Internetni način mreženja 7. avgust 2020
Izjava Internet society, North America o programu “Čisto omrežje”
Zelo smo razočarani. ZDA, država, ki je financirala zgodnji razvoj interneta in spodbujala širitev po celem svetu, zdaj razmišlja o politikah, ki bi ga razbile na koščke. To je del večjega motečega trenda, ko vlade neposredno posegajo v internet in poskušajo doseči kratkoročne politične točke brez upoštevanja dolgoročne škode, ki nastane. Internet je globalno omrežje omrežij, kjer se omrežja prostovoljno povezujejo brez osrednjega organa. Zaradi te arhitekture je internet tako uspešen. Današnja napoved ameriškega programa Clean Network je v bistvu izziv za to arhitekturo. Programa “Clean Carrier” in “Clean Cable” bodo povzročile, da velike količine internetnega prometa s tretjimi državami potuje po neutečenimi potmi, kar bi povečalo razdaljo, ki bi jo morali prehoditi podatki, povečalo možnost za manipulacijo z internetnem prometom, povečalo dejanska tveganja za izpad delovanja interneta, in na splošno bo povečalo stroške za delovanje omrežja za vse v internetu. Če vlada narekuje, kako naj se omrežja povezujejo glede na politične in ne tehnične vidike, potem je ta narek v nasprotju s samo idejo interneta, ki jo je vlada ZDA tako dolgo podpirala. Takšni posegi bodo znatno vplivali na gibčnost, prožnost in prilagodljivost interneta. Če se bo ta model interneta še širil, bodo sposobnosti interneta, da prinese širše koristi od sodelovanja, globalnega dosega, in razvoj novih tehnologij ter gospodarske rasti, znatno ogrožena. Takšne politike le povečujejo globalni zagon k “balkanizaciji omrežja” in zlomljenemu omrežju in ne internetu, ki smo ga zgradili v zadnjih štirih desetletjih in ga zdaj potrebujemo bolj kot kdaj koli prej.
Internet Way of Networking 7 August 2020
Internet Society Statement on U.S. Clean Network Program
We are very disappointed. The United States, the country that funded the early development of the Internet, is now considering policies that would fracture it into pieces. This is part of a larger disturbing trend where governments directly interfere with the Internet, attempting to score short-term political points without regard to the long-term damage that results. The Internet is a global network of networks, where networks interconnect on a voluntary basis with no central authority. It is this architecture that has made the Internet so successful. Today’s announcement of the U.S. Clean Network program challenges this architecture at its very core. The “Clean Carrier” and “Clean Cable” programs alone would force vast amounts of Internet traffic to route into third countries, extending the distances data must traverse, increasing the potential for surveillance and manipulation of Internet traffic, increasing the risk of Internet outages, and in general increasing costs to everyone on the Internet. Having a government dictate how networks interconnect according to political considerations rather than technical considerations, runs contrary to the very idea of the Internet. Such interventions will significantly impact the agility, resiliency and flexibility of the Internet. If this approach were to spread further, the ability of the Internet to bring the broader benefits of collaboration, global reach, and economic growth will be significantly threatened. Policies like these only increase the global momentum towards a “Splinternet” — a fractured network, rather than the Internet we have built over the last four decades and need now more than ever.